January 2025
Bio Note: I am author of two full-length poetry collections, Underscore and Deep Ends. I am also a maker of songs and drum circles. I write some of those songs on a mountain in North Carolina, and co-founded the Poet & Song Series with my trio, Raison D’Etre.
—after a line from Olivia Stiffler Sometimes they come back to stand at the basement bar. I see them at the corner of my eye when I descend the steps. Sometimes they follow me down the middle path to the lake, smoking some blend of cherry-smelling tobacco. Sometimes they speak through me saying, shoo, what a stinkin’-lookin’ thing when some candidate spews views on TV. Other times, they monitor how much water I pour over the potted basil, reminding, just a twiddle, now. Often, they misquote generals to instruct me why we owe a debt to France. With flourish, they proclaim, La Feet, we are here! After I stop laughing, I pause to enjoy how near they stay. I say in my grandma’s certain voice, That’s it, in-it?
©2025 Roberta Schultz
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