February 2025
Marianne Tefft
Bio Note: I am a poet and voice-over reader who daylights as a Montessori teacher in Toronto, Canada. My work appears online, in print and on air in North America, Europe, Asia and the Caribbean. My work has received Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize 2025 nominations. I am the author of Full Moon Fire: Spoken Songs of Love and Moonchild: Poems for Moon Lovers.
Red Tide
I have always been at home among the blue waves From the day my dad carried me Bright pink towhead in a zero to 3 onesie Into the tender surf and held me safe in his arms As we rode-floated the gently lapping sea To brush up on the warm sand Beneath the old Singer Island bridge But one blue-hot July For my birthday I nearly died in a red tide After a shellfish meal that got a crabby attitude Among corrupt algae off the New England coast That’s the thing about toxins that bloom In the hearts of things we love They will sicken just about everyone And some will die This time too But theirs is an unsure and temporal grip The sea is always deeper More resourceful and hopeful Timeless in the face of the red tide That comes for its wretched season I have seen it come without greeting And I will watch it go without regret
©2025 Marianne Tefft
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It's important. -JL