February 2025
Lenore Rosenberg
Bio Note: Canadian-American, I live in Rome. I have taught academic writing in universities in Rome and Kansas, surrounded by the Seven Hills and the prairies. Living in three countries and never really fitting in is a country all its own. That, most likely, is poetry. My chapbook, Tendrils, was recently published by Moonstone Press.
Life in Rome
In the crowded stench of the tram, the twitching, fresh coiffed girl, face painted and svelte suit, heads for some job interview—500-euro monthly, so her parents won’t call her a flop. Lives with them still, eight years to finish college, stays out till 3. Screaming into her phone at the boy who left her after the second date. She hollers, tears drawing canyons through powder & blush, three inches from my nose. Tram hordes crush her, The only space I have to give is to turn, pressing my purse to my girth to counter thieves, wishing for a a tissue to soak up her sobs. She alights at the next stop. People explode: “why don’t she shut up?” “rude to shout,” “keep her business to herself,” She can’t miss that interview: the only gig she’s found. The call center cubicle where she sold lifeless insurance to old people who can’t afford it let her go after a month, to keep from signing her on. Poor girl I think, boy was scum, two dates, quick fun, then dumped. De-formed life in the city of forever.
©2025 Lenore Rosenberg
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