February 2025
Kate Flaherty
Bio Note: I've been writing since high school but only since retirement have I had the time to follow my bliss. I've loved traveling but airports and mobility issues discourage much of that these days. Poetry is something I can carry with me wherever I am.
Magic is in decline, despite “WICKED” and Harry Potter’s awesome learned spells. We carry too much practicality with us, to spray wherever MAGIC dwells. We can’t escape the feeling that something is lacking in our lives, some color, some music, some depth of rainbows and sunsets, a missing song that never seems to come— clear and radiant as church bells or snow. We have a sense of waiting for something to bring our robot bodies to life once again, to jolt our silent flesh to sing. No angel hymns, no carols from the sky, Maybe a silver trill within a sigh We have to make our own kind of magic As we snatch at love before it passes by.
©2025 Kate Flaherty
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It's important. -JL