September 2024
Bio Note: I recently adopted a mix-breed dog we named Honey. I am teaching Speech & Debate this year which includes poetry and poetic interpretation. The poem "Lighthouse Point" was written for my three-year-old son in 2000. "Why Humans Invented Poetry" postulates a possible theory.
Lighthouse Point
Santa Cruz, CA November 24. 2000 A child notices his shadow Stretching long across the lawn To where the cliffs surrender to the sea. His father stands next to him. Their linked shadows bleed together into the late afternoon autumn sun. An old surfer, who once rode long balsa boards in the frigid surf, stops to tell the two of a sand bank where children learn to surf. That’s where we all began, he says. It’s where we all return. The waves at the point rise three heads. Young men sleak as sea lions in black wet suits takeoff on fiberglass boards cutting the immense liquid curls. The child sticks his head through the fence to throw a rock into the sea. His father holds him back for the moment.

Why Humans Invented Poetry
They observed pelicans in flight, fascinated by their airborne grace compared to the clumsy waddle of earthbound webbed feet. They remained attracted to these fowl though the birds offered no practical food value, marveling how pelicans gracefully skim the tops of waves, each bird in its turn dipping its wings before rising effortlessly to resume their space aligned in near-perfect symmetrical flight while humans remained grounded to an alphabet, odd cuneiform symbols carved in clay, perplexed--how to record the sound of soaring silence above the roaring waves. Therefore humans invented poetry. Their words flowed across the page graceful as the flight of pelicans, each line a bird with its unique being, all lines strung together, stanzas in flight.
©2024 Marc Petrie
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL