When it comes to "labor" there are hundreds of platitudes about the nobility, necessity, etc., to be found in honest work. I will spare you those. Labor Day marks a national day of acknowledging the contributions of front-line workers to the success of America. It is also a day to remember the sacrifices (and deaths) of labor activists, union members, and others who demanded safety and respect and decent wages for their work. Not all labor produces immediate results. Parenting and teaching come readily to mind. The fruits of those labors come after months, or years, or decades, and sometimes the people who put the most effort into them don't see those fruits. But they have significant impacts on the world. Hats off to everyone who shows up to work consistently and tries to make the world a better place, no matter what their job is. Submissions for October open on September 1 and close on September 10, or when we have received 40 submissions. Jim Lewis, Editor