September 2024
Bio Note: My poems have appeared worldwide in literary journals such as One Art, Amsterdam Quarterly and About Place Journal, to name a few. Just before the pandemic my chapbook, What She Was Wearing, was released. Ten years ago my husband and I co-founded The Poetry Box press, where I’m also the managing editor of The Poeming Pigeon. I’m a proud mother of three amazing humans and Nana to one darling baby girl.
Author's Note: The Black Krim is a popular heirloom tomato that originated in the Crimean Peninsula and is often referred to as a Russian Black Krim.
Author's Note: The Black Krim is a popular heirloom tomato that originated in the Crimean Peninsula and is often referred to as a Russian Black Krim.
Who am I to say we don’t
need more tomatoes, or to argue the plot too small for one more heirloom? When I gorge on too many Black Krims, I become my grandmother, the one who hid her Russian roots from the neighbors, from me. I fry the bacon you brought home for sandwiches, grease splatter singes my thumb, I watch you through a window over the sink, cool water soothing my burn, as you push your finger deep into the soil and whisper to the not-quite-ripe orbs: There, there now, you’re just a little thirsty, and then hum them happy before you come inside to show off your bounty, flashing me your satisfied smile. I inhale the musky loam of you and take your finger into my mouth I taste the summer sun and your salt.

Cards Win!
~circa 2011 I’m stuck in Sacramento for a B2B meet-n-greet. At every opportunity, I sneak back to the bar’s big TV. No one in California cares about the World Series— St. Louis Cardinals vs. Texas Rangers. I have to slip the barkeep a twenty to switch the channel to Game Seven! No one cares that I’m crying on the phone with my dad, trying to share every last joy with him that I can. My manager signals, wants me back with the group. Time for my dog & phony show— how each referral-based biz needs our new phone app to succeed. I was promised a new iPad for my record-breaking night of new sales. I hated using that iPad. When I quit, two months later, I gave it to Goodwill. But first, I deleted that app.

An Urgent Message
for My Fellow Word Nerds
Hear ye, hear ye— The Punctuation War has finally come to a full stop. Factions supporting and factions against the ever polarizing Oxford comma have signed a treaty at last. Let us praise this new mark of creative freedom— “ , la ” Festoon your banners and paint the town blue. Say her name out loud. Come along, my friends. It’s a brand-new day.
©2024 Shawn Aveningo-Sanders
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL