October 2024
Bio Note: I'm looking into getting a NYC production of "Willem and the Werewolf." Wish me luck.
Three Women
Three women meet and tell each other their stories. They are amazed at the similarities. Each is in her twenties, skinny, with bones for hips; each has sunken eyes, hair spiky on top, wispy down her neck. Each wears a stud in her navel, and all three navels are visible, below ratty T-shirts, above the frayed waistbands of blue jeans. Each has, above her jutting left pelvic bone, a discoloration. Each, in turn, tugs down on a belt loop, till it shows purple, the shape of an archipelago, more like a birthmark than a bruise, but each confesses the discoloration is recent. To get to the meat of it, each of these women has had sex with aliens. Apparently they are the aliens' type, though they distrust each other, and would acknowledge no likeness. Each wonders if the others are holding back secrets. There should be more, each thinks, than this purple spot and a burning, similar to a yeast infection except for the pulsing, and a faint hum— a guy sitting near them, staring into his beer, thinks he hears a chromatic chord, rising and falling, though where it comes from, he would not hazard a guess.

Death laid traplines along a lakefront in central Maine. He had no business being there. A poacher. He was dressed inconspicuously, a plaid work shirt, thermal underwear showing through frayed elbows, denim pants rolled up at the cuffs. Only his boots aroused suspicion--Timberland, or maybe L. L. Bean, they were new, scarcely worn. Two toned. I later learned from an ancient text, which of course did not mention brand names, that Death is particular about footwear. I followed from a distance, for a short while, then went back to my cabin, covered myself with a thermal blanket, waited the night. In the morning, I went back to follow the trapline, but the traps were gone. I did find a muddy footprint, just the one. Recognized the pattern of the sole. L. L. Bean.
©2024 Tad Richards
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL