October 2024
R. Bremner
Author's Note: I always try to write down my nightmares before they bury themselves deep within me. .I think that's the safest thing to do with them, so they don't sneak back and ravage me on another night!
Nightmare #51
There she stood, a luscious sprightly lass I couldn’t resist taking my chances with her She spoke so sweetly, her voice like a flower Yes, she would walk with me, my heart leapt! She held me in her thrall, my mind was a mess We turned the corner to a darkened street We stood alone for a moment, no one was about I pulled her to me to embrace her so tight But something was wrong… her scarf blew across her face And her sweet laugh was suddenly a hideous cackle! I pushed the scarf away and what did I see? A grim, ghastly face, and talons clawing at me!

NIghtmare #45
Migrating caskets, blemished with runes of an ancient hierarchy of wickedness make their way down the streets of sleeping Glen Ridge. Don’t dare disturb their journey lest you waken the sleeping evil that lurks within their confines and let loose their prowess on an unwary town.
©2024 R. Bremner
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