November 2024
Bio Note: I am a retired college educator and author of 4 books of poetry, and have edited 3 anthologies. I also host two monthly poetry readings. Read more about my work at my website at the above link.
A Leaf
A leaf unfolds on the sycamore outside the house—the one I curse when its seedballs begin to drop, the ones I turn my ankles on, that trip me. They have been perfectly designed to make me pay attention to the grass under my feet, when I would rather watch the clouds, with no enduring form, only the questionable allure of constant change.

Dear Cirrus
One minute, you’re a white bone in a mackerel sky, then a honeycomb of altocumulus or battleship of Nimbus, sailing low in a dark and shifting sea. At times, you’re fringed with virga, abortive rain showers that evaporate before the ground. I admire your red-rimmed inverted bowls, snow sculpted into pyramids or flying saucers, your ever-shifting shows. I envy your shape-shifting, the will to wander anywhere, to change so utterly. And when you’ve had enough of all these changes, you simply melt into the atmosphere like butter on warm bread and disappear.

The Director in Residence
From the start, I had a writer or director peering over my shoulder, determining the words, the angle of the shot, the music swelling in the string section of my gut. I played all the parts, at least in my own mind. No wonder I stumbled, trying to manage everything at once, and I the only one aware of it. No surprise, things seldom went as planned, the dialogue so unexpected I would have to stop a minute just to take it in, trace the arc arising in my spine. Sometimes I wished that inner voice would just shut up, would try to silence it. But without it, how would I know my lines, my motivation, what I ought to feel? It wouldn’t seem quite real, and so I learned to live with it, to talk back: the actor seizing the pen, rewriting all the lines.
©2024 Robbi Nester
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is important to community building at Verse Virtual. -JL