November 2024
Bio Note: Since beginning to write in 2008, my work has appeared in journals such as Amethyst Review and Braided Way. In 2020 I received an Artist Enrichment Grant from the Kentucky Foundation for Women and the resulting collection, Between the Rows, debuted in 2022. My current writing project involves reinvestigating genealogical information I unearthed in the pre-computer 1980s. I have retired after 37 years of teaching and find a bounty of inspiration in my family, my rural home and writing communities like Verse-Virtual.
Geometry can explain many things. But what about a Tinkertoy day that stands cockeyed, sides and angles neither equal nor proportional, making it hard to ambulate impossible to be hugged?

The Treasury of Lost Things
We’ve all wondered where the missing sock ended up, the blue plaid puzzle piece, a back door key, the orange-handled garden shears. Is there a dusty cellar where the summer scent of jasmine is tucked, last winter’s blizzard winds, the goldfinches’ dazzling summer plumage? Could the bottled pleasure of firefly hunting perch precarious on some sagging shelf? And in the vast vaults of this treasury of lost things, might I uncover Eva Elisabeth’s maiden name, the date Johanna and her mother set sail, pages from just one ancestor’s diary, the sanded sheen of Lorenz’s finest wheel, or even a saddlebag smelling of sweat and leather from Cavalry Unit I? And would I know it if I stumbled over a simple pouch that opens, sounding the catch in Mary’s eight-year-old throat at first sight of New York harbor’s Castle Garden?

Starting in Darkness
When I walk next door in the ponderous weight of darkness, I feel I am walking through the time before language powered thought, when the only words were names of things you could see or smell. As light steals stars’ backdrop I feel the comfort of language’s purring prowess that can now beget words beyond still-life portraits, promise sentences that span synapses and sway with the intrinsic energy of subtlety.
©2024 Nancy Jentsch
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is important to community building at Verse Virtual. -JL