November 2024
Alessandra Foster
Bio Note: I am a lifelong and long-lived reader and writer of poetry. Have enjoyed knowing about Verse-Virtual since first reading a gripping poem by Tim Mayo in 2022. Enjoy even more being published! Poems have appeared in Verse-Virtual, Bramble, and in WFOP calendars.
Egreeegious is a pleeeasing word to say aloud if you drag it out. It sounds like giving grief, doing something impossible to forgive. Standing out from the herd, it grates on your nerves, makes you wonder at its Latin origin as a term of praise (prominent eminent excellent) when you know that now its meaning is reversed to being outstanding for some bad quality, as an appalling lack of empathy, or a flagrant violation of rights. Egregious shares a growl with greed and gross (distortion, ineptitude), with grabbing and grasping, grimacing, and grumbling. Egregious lacks gracefulness, graciousness, and grace. Integrity. Egregious should not be overused like horrendous, horrific, and heinous, but must be used judiciously for standing out among all peers, all surroundings, all comparisons in exceptional awfulness. Egregious breach of conduct: Say it aloud. Then say it again. It’s had quite a workout recently.
©2024 Alessandra Foster
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is important to community building at Verse Virtual. -JL