November is a month of holidays around the world. With one exception (November 13), there is at least one country celebrating a religious, traditional, or political holiday every day of the month. The U.S. being what it is, we even have a holiday for consumerism (Black Friday). Embedded in each of these holidays is some form of hope. Hope that we will remember the end of some horrible things, hope that we will not make the same mistakes again. Hope that our ancestors are smiling on our efforts to preserve the good things they treasured. Hope that the day marks a new beginning, a chance to do better, to be better. Whatever the holidays that you celebrate this month, my hope is that in acknowledging and remembering the "why" of the holiday, you will be encouraged and motivated to practice peace and kindness wherever you can. The world needs that now more than ever. Submissions for December open on November 1 and close on November 10, or when we have received 40 submissions. Jim Lewis, Editor