May 2024
Irene Voth
Author's Note: Real scenes and a joyful ride on the transportation of imagination. That’s all.
Accent Table
Plump dark spindles that once lined the spine of a stairway are repurposed as shapely legs beneath a small, round, glass table top – a quaint piece also salvaged for its former elegance. “An accent table for our patio,” he announced from the doorway of his garage workshop. Then he set it down on the pavers next to the plastic patio chair we’d spray painted Vikings purple-and-gold, clueless that such an accent table would change everything. At odds with Minnesota-speak’s rounded O's, as in “Siddown. Take a load off,” our patio suddenly acknowledged the table with “Perfect spot for a chessboard, Old Boy,” its clipped, posh voice laced generously with hard R’s. Those were early days, as they say across the pond. Now tall glasses gleam with golden ale as we bask in afternoon sunshine on the patio, pondering the ambitions of kings and queens, the diagonals of bishops and the sturdiness of rooks – all former Viking fascinations vanquished.

High School Annual
Every year, on a warm May afternoon, we stacked textbooks, trashed notebooks, crushed and tossed longings we’d secretly taped inside our lockers, and wiped those lockers down inside and out; warm sudsy water spiked with bleach to dispel the smell of books. The nuns had locked the classrooms before returning to Mankato for the summer. They’d locked the library too, but I peered once more through its windows, longing to be among the weighty shelves where I’d first found Animal Farm, Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies, and The Grapes of Wrath. For me, it would be a long summer. For me, nothing could dispel the spell of books.
©2024 Irene Voth
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