May 2024
Jackie Chou
Bio Note: I write free verses, rhyming poems, and Japanese short form poetry, some of which saw the light of day in journals like Alien Buddha Zine, Spillwords, and Cajun Mutt Press. I am also a Jeopardy fan.
My Life
I was born with a pink dress waiting for me, the color Jackie O wore to her fateful parade, the satin peeled off my back after pictures of my birth were taken. With consciousness came my longing for carousel unicorns, peanut-covered bananas, and later in my childhood, the tetherball court where children shrieked in vibrant clothing, my mother pulling my hand away from the playground, my mother, who fled communism, carrying gold and diamonds I had never seen, except in the gleam of her eyes when she told me her stories.

Late to the Party
I am late to the party, to the mayhem, the Midori Sour making me squint, the chill, the neon green. I am late to the party, because nobody is waiting for me, no teacher to nod at me for showing up. I am late for the party, clutching a Hello Kitty notebook with the words "Work saves the soul" scribed in curved blue letters.
©2024 Jackie Chou
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL