May 2024
Steve Bell
Bio Note: My poetry writing took a back seat last year to growing my small business. I help people with disabilities choose, get, and keep employment. However, I am having a great time re-entering the world of verse with the help of a group of 12 poet friends. We are writing a poem a day during National Poetry Month. The inspiration from our leader's prompts and the comments of others in the email chain have reactivated my creative juices.
Sleepless in Palm Canyon
I was quite cold. Papa had warned me the desert is infectious you breathe in the dryness and it takes over, an all-consuming quiet. I was quiet alone restless, my eyes blink open head rocking back and forth stone pillow, bed of faux fabric me inside my mummy bag, waterfall below black sky above a blanket of stars, just beyond my grasp. on the day previous the hot Sun was a serpent shadowing my footsteps the radiant silence only interrupted by each meandering footfall. back to my tossing it is still dark fabric of the sky filled with starry holes the wind refuses to stop talking until at last my eyes surrender, closing aflutter my fingers reach upward to grab the blanket as the waterfall below mumbles goodnight.

Celebration of Tears
A bearded old man tears his clothes in stunned silence his country shredded beyond repair The children divorced from reality play games of war kill, kill, kill everyone there A holiday pie sliced and diced, nearly inedible crumbles in despair.
©2024 Steve Bell
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL