March 2024
Serena Maurer
Bio Note: I am a co-conspirator in movement towards liberation for all and a longtime poet-in-hiding. I live on stolen Coast Salish land colonized as Seattle, WA. I love my friends, family, mountains, trees, and big open water.
Before the memorial poems we read to your used to be friends gathered in that big open room, Before they burned you, the smoke of you rising, the fragments swept and ground, Before the calls from the nurse, your other daughter’s frantic texts as she raced against your dying, Before the grief ate your lungs, devouring them with a hunger old and deep, Before this afternoon’s walk with the dog and not you, We went for a walk with your scuffle and retractable poles on that flat trail by the lake. The juvenile eagles calling as you waved and smiled.

Bird Body
I wake in the body of a bird— maybe a barn swallow splayed on the pavement, not yet not breathing, receiving the rain One wing tucked beneath the tender arc of my bird throat The hollowed bones of the other— humerus, radius, ulna with their crisscrossed trusses stretched wide, winging towards flight Sternum gently rising, the tip of the keel on a skyward diagonal, underbelly exposed to the world like a capsized boat Later, a kind neighbor comes to clean me up before I am torn apart.

Nighttime Visitors
They come in a sedan on a road that snakes from my lower right eye to my upper left my sister at the wheel my stepmother, in the backseat, ballooning in and out of herself, as she did that last summer, saying he left you this drink, he couldn’t finish it my father is telling a story this is how he did it as he slides out the window the car still moving and begins to skate, his right foot pressed flat against the hot cement of the road, his left foot pushing him over the edge of my sight.
©2024 Serena Maurer
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL