March 2024
Bio Note: Two of my poetry books, A Boat That Can Carry Two (2011) and Talk (2019) were published by Bordighera Press. A third, the empty field, was published in 2022 by Red Moon Press. I’ve recently placed poems in Typehouse, Modern Poetry Quarterly Review, and Poetry Wales. Born and raised in New Jersey, I’m currently a senior lecturer in the English department at The Ohio State University in Columbus.
Finding My Religion
Every poem is another moment of regret for not having finished the last one; each day an attempt to remain standing in spite of the tidal bore forcing your mouth shut. Sunday dusk filters through the windows, dust, and trees. The house is empty but for wine and a certain song that keeps coming back, unbidden, every waking moment. Be careful what you love too much. You’re never alone with the melody of your last life but relive it with the tenacity of squirrels in the attic: no way in, no way out. The sun sets, the clock moves forward and all you’ve got to show is an empty sheaf of white space on every page you’ve written where nothing happens. That, and a roof, a few dollars, and dinner.

Four Theories of the Tidy Mind
One: Throw away nothing. Keep it in piles, haphazardly stacked as in the aisles of that bookstore out on College Road where the owner smoked and smoked. Leave a few goat trails in case of fire, although once the windows are boarded and blocked, you’ll never want to leave. In this way, nothing is ever lost or needs to be believed. Two: Throw away every other thing. No cheating. This photo of dad goes, that magazine, your best hat. Money too – it goes on the pile to be swept to the alley, along with your car and wife. Even that rusty Barlow knife you didn’t know you had. At first you’ll be sad, then mad, but then you’ll forget. Three: Throw away half of each thing. Decide with an axe or matches. Break the vases evenly. Make flames do the work you’ve so long avoided. You’ll be tempted to save half the ashes and shattered glass for crafts, but don’t give in. Ask yourself how you ever had room for dishes and rings. A torn shirt will make a sling for your broken arm. Four: Throw away everything and it’s all nothing. You won’t. Just kidding.
©2024 Matt Cariello
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