March 2024
Cynthia Bernard
Bio Note: My 70th birthday managed to catch up with me late last year, even though I did an impressive job of growing out my hair and wearing tie-dye dresses at music festivals. At least this didn’t force me to leave my home—on a hill overlooking the ocean, about 25 miles south of San Francisco—nor my wonderful husband, who sees me through loving eyes (okay, vision fades with age, okay, isn’t that nice for an older couple…) I’m winding down a long and often satisfying career as a classroom teacher, grades 6-12 math and science, plus many years teaching incarcerated youth and adults; I’m teaching part-time now, online from home, one student at a time, which leaves me lots of time for the joys and the frustrations of writing.
The Gift
Aunty Anne always wore lovely dresses with long sleeves, even on that sunny day in August when I sat next to her at the picnic table, soft yellow silk slid up her arm, and I glimpsed the numbers. What’s that, Aunty Ann? Oh, just something for grown-ups, Shayne meydele, beautiful girl, she said, gentle fingers kissing my cheeks. Go and play. And so she blessed me with a few more years of childhood Until that day in fourth grade, somewhere on the cusp between only myself and the larger world, when I learned about the six million and began my search for understanding— which, of course, I have never found.
Originally published in Ritual Well
©2024 Cynthia Bernard
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