June 2024
Bio Note: A Washington based author, poet, and educator, my poems and stories have appeared in many international literary magazines, journals and anthologies such as Poetry Life & Times, Anti-Heroin Chic, and Verse-Virtual. My most recent poetry/fiction collections include Serpent’s Tooth: Poems, Masques: Flash Fiction & Short Stories, Flytraps, Cracks of Light: Pandemic Poetry & Fiction 2019-2022, Halcyon Days: Collected Fibonacci, and Abraxas: Poems (2024). Currently, I enjoy writing, turning wood, hosting/participating in “virtual” poetry readings, and enjoying retirement along the Hood Canal.
Evening Oxidation
Reddish-brown light pierces midnight ginnel shadows on graffiti adorned walls, weathered cedar fences & rusty gate hinges that creak and groan as gales shoot though knotholes pushing frail structures that bend like wind gusts filling canvas sails. remaining upright amid stormy spasms. Hanging around cafés flexing feline hips like streetwalkers, alley cats seek live mice and greasy spoon diner scraps while garbage cans tip over and metal lids roll down back streets as slick as hubcaps; rust-colored hues give way to grey shades squirrels scamper over irregular fence laths like blind tightrope walkers under a crescent moon.

Angie’s face lit night skies like dazzling galaxies, stars shimmering against a field of dark bluish-green reflecting Taj Mahal opulence & elegant grandeur on her ivory face, smooth as polished marble, soft as a summer breeze brushing cheeks, that triggered blush, & accented natural beauty. She transformed daytime doldrum images to awesome sights of evening splendor. As explosive as firework exhibitions defibrillating the Milky Way’s heartbeat Angie’s sultry voice shed velvet echoes down common spines that looked to her like the eighth natural world wonder & monumental threshold of paradise, conduit to spirituality, testament to love.
©2024 Sterling Warner
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL