July 2024
Bio Note: Poetry seems so far away these days. I've been writing mostly fiction. Some stories have even been published in Impspired and Mad Swirl.
Author's Note: Flora Singer was depicted in Montgomery College (MD)’s Portraits of Life exhibit. This exhibit honored Holocaust survivors who lived in Montgomery County.
Author's Note: Flora Singer was depicted in Montgomery College (MD)’s Portraits of Life exhibit. This exhibit honored Holocaust survivors who lived in Montgomery County.
We Stand Before the Oracle
In memory of Flora Singer (1930-2009) Above the white brick fireplace, a collage of wire and shattered blue tiles somehow forms a Star of David. A woman, the oracle, is about to speak. We wonder what she would say to stop this world from burning. We have read what the other survivors have told us: to love one another, teach our children, cherish family since we’ve lost so many. Yet here we stand waiting for the woman beneath a once-shattered star. As if she were the oracle, about to speak.

Blacksmith in Nigeria
After a photograph by Sadiq Mustapha In Lapai, city of book clubs, a blacksmith stands barefoot despite splinters and sharp stones on the dirt floor. Brown toes whiten with dust. Humid air falls like a cloak around the blacksmith’s shoulders. He wears thrift store khakis to ward off the open fire’s sparks. He makes hoes and adzes, sometimes guns. Houses and shops, vines and trees with vast leaves crowd along the paved road to the capitol. Women and children sell clothes Americans wore.
Originally published in Muddy River Poetry Review
©2024 Marianne Szlyk
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL