July 2024
Bio Note: The author of 16 collections of poetry, a book of short stories, and 4 children's books, I took a break from "heavy" topics to publish in May How Can I Look It Up When I Don’t Know How It’s Spelled? Spelling Mnemonics and Grammar Tricks (Kelsay Books). As one word nerd to another, I hope you'll take a look at these witty poems and fun graphics.
July 5th
All the flag-clad oohs and ahhs fizzle just past midnight, a slight singe of burn hovering over today: patriotic hangover with stars and stripes banging about in brains that never OK’d reciting names and dates in 4th grade History. Such a dazzling, distracting explosion: all that reality behind the pomp, so ceremoniously like that other season’s parade: winter’s green/red (the frigid red/white/blue) pa-rum-pa-pum-pummed into “Little Drummer Boy” with only tepid recognition of the day’s conviction. Holy Mother of Jefferson, the fireworks’ dizzy outbursts of Me! Me! Me! reveal our belief in nothing but the day’s commemoration, the morning after’s leftover hot dogs or eggnog a hodgepodge of forgotten births: nation and God piped-in patriotically as afterthought for the background.
Originally published in New Verse News

Author's Note: The poem below was written for our first anniversary. This year my husband and I celebrate 31.
Battlefield in PeacetimeNot four score seven years ago—but one we joined our homes, our names, our aging hands for and against the battles that would come and treaties fired, as those from this land of Gettysburg, the dirt that bloodied love for love of other still. Husband, we live out of two pasts: a weakened frontline of dismembered plots; unplowed field left if not remembered. We, almost pacifists in such as love, count up all others' wars (here, and in our lives): their fists and kisses loaded and exploded; the way our scars in middle-age forget to fight. Defend to death with me our peace, my allied friend.
Originally published in 2River View
©2024 Marjorie Maddox
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL