Bombs Bursting, Bastille Breached, Bipartisan Bickering: July seems to be a month for notable activity, both past and present. In addition to the U.S. celebration of a bold statement of independence, the French made their own bold statement as they stormed the Bastille, generally recognized as the beginning of "La Revolution." Perhaps less well-known or recognized was the July 24th arrival in the Salt Lake Valley of a group of religious exiles - then known as "Mormons." They had been mobbed out of Missouri under the aegis of Governor Bogg's extermination order, settled in Nauvoo, Illinois until their leader was martyred and they were burned out and mobbed out yet again. Their trek across the central plains is well-documented, and their presence in the Southwest was instrumental in the westward expansion of the country. Utah and some surrounding states celebrate the day as "Pioneer Day." It is seen as a celebration of freedom from the religious persecution that had plagued the early members of that church. So with freedom from oppression being at the forefront of celebrations this month for millions of people, I would encourage you to raise your voices in poetry and prose and participation in any events where support of freedom is needed. Be diligent in verifying information - there's lots of bad info being passed around. Just don't forget that it is possible (and honorable) to disagree without being disagreeable. SUBMISSIONS for the August issue of Verse-Virtual will be open from July 1 to July 10 or until we reach our limit of 40 submissions. Jim