Another year behind us, another year ahead of us. Some say you can't change the past, but you can change the future. I'm not sure I agree with either concept. We change past events all the time, just by the way we remember them. And as for changing the future, since it hasn't happened yet, what is there to change? I would reframe that as "you can shape your future." Perhaps not completely, because forces we don't control will have an impact, but certainly, the things we choose to do or not do will matter. Traditionally, this is a time to do a self-assessment, decide what things we would like to do better, what things we would like to stop doing. I'm not one to make a list and then resolve to get each item done by next New Year's Day. I find it can be easier and more effective for this to be a daily practice, with a journal entry as often as needed to document what progress has been made. Whatever your traditions are for New Year's celebrations, I wish you every success this year, whether personal, professional, or social. Above all, I wish you peace and happiness in the midst of the world's chaos. Guidelines for submissions are found HERE. There is no suggested theme for February. Jim