February 2024
Bio Note: I took a long time to find my calling in life, or at least my current calling as a Psych NP. Poetry just happened along the way and turned into 5 collections and 8+ chapbooks. No awards, prizes, or accolades, but the poet friends I've made eclipse any passing praise.
Author's Note: Changing old habits, old ways of thinking and interacting is not as simple as some would make it seem. Change always comes at a cost.
Author's Note: Changing old habits, old ways of thinking and interacting is not as simple as some would make it seem. Change always comes at a cost.

Photo credit: j.lewis
my life began in fifty-one this house came shortly after though it and i were worlds apart california and new mexico ocean and mountain differences that never would have met the roads that led me here would multiple the tale 'til time to tell would fail and leave you wondering let it be sufficient here to know that mountain came to sea and in this too-small house that feels as old as i do there are daily reminders of aging imperfection a cooling breeze beside an open window penetrates but can't persist gives way to clinging heat much as spirit's quiet voice fades against an anger held too long winter sun is impotent no warmth to melt the silence— ice and stone heart entrenched against forgiveness bare feet on cold tile floors remembering too long some unmeant phrase i contemplate the price of change the central heat-and-cool solution heaven-sent moderation and wonder how I'll ever bear the cost
come again
there is no strict formality never the engraved invitation- that would be like your parents inviting you to sunday dinner each and every month and signing off with r.s.v.p. so they can print a guest list no, this door is never locked the mat says 'welcome, friend' and means it quite sincerely house rules are few and simple- come in, sit a spell, read at will leave a note on poems you like keep your trap shut if you don't we like polite, informal when you go, if you should be the last one out, leave the lights on you never know when the next restless soul will stop for soup or absolution maybe pen some pensive or defensive lines to live by and tape them askew on the front room wall you won't be asked to dust or vacuum or tidy up because there are no messes here but please feel free to join communal songs add harmony or counterpoint or nod and tap your foot bow out any time you like we seem to meet at the end of each month— it's potluck, bring what you like or try our latest recipe, no matter just come when you've stayed your fill exit if you will, knowing the mat that welcomes each one in also reads 'please come again' and means it quite sincerely
Originally published in goodbye sounds like, Cyberwit, 2023
©2024 j.lewis
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL