August 2024
Alan Walowitz
Author's Note: Two years ago this month, the Webb telescope, which had been launched in 2021, became operational and began to take fantastic photos of our universe and beyond. French scientist Etienne Klein, who took a photo of his lunch meat on a black background, I suppose, just wanted to have some fun. Who doesn't want to have fun in the summer?

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Thinking a Picture of a Chorizo is a Star
"This level of detail… A new world is revealed day after day.” —Physicist Etienne Klein “Holy shit!” says one of the astro-physicists who launched the Webb, and stuck it up there in the sky like my daughter’s old finger-painting left to ripen on the fridge. Then, it opened, like a flower blooming in one of those Disney shorts when I was a kid, that taught us all about beauty, but used to make me impatient as I moseyed through my neighbor’s gardens mornings on the way to school So the Webb is up there swaddled by stars in L2, perched between Venus and the Sun taking snapshots of the history of the universe, except for that wayward slice of chorizo which, though quite lovely, is no Proxima Centauri-- These pictures might be millions of years old-- about how long it takes light to travel from so far away. It defies common sense-- like the 1990 photo of me the DMV keeps on my driver’s license. No cop will believe it when he pulls me over as I’m speeding through the universe. These days, I’d rather just slow to an old man’s crawl and get to the clinic on time. No fear of missing out for me! I’ll gladly keep my distance, content to wait long as it takes for science to weigh in with its incomprehensible results, which, in star-time, never ever changes much of anything.
©2024 Alan Walowitz
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