August 2024
Bio Note: The highlight of the year has been the acceptance of my poem 'The Dancing Professor' for the Yearbook of Indian Poetry in English. The poem was chosen from among 700 poems sent as a blind submission to a Review Committee. As the poem was first published in Verse-Virtual, my sincere thanks are due to Jim Lewis. Several poems published in the Storyteller Poetry Review by Sharon Knutson this year, have added to my joy!

Art credit: Kathleen Sabo
Used with permission
Based on a painting by Vancouver artist
and friend Kathleen Sabo Her grandchild walks in the woods or perhaps skips on the fallen leaves happy arms outstretched to embrace Nature she is no Red Riding Hood. that gladdens my heart. There is no basket of food and so there will be no wolf. The new Fairy Tale is magical. Grandmother is painting a picture of innocence “What lovely strokes You have, grandma!” and what love-filled brush could form this image. Tell the story to her when she is grown and paint a picture of a woman of beauty in different colors when you are older your palette mellower. Then perhaps she will hold your hand walk you gently through those same woods she once walked as a child.
©2024 Kavita Ezekiel Mendonca
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL