August 2024
Bio Note: I am a wandering troubadour whose poetry appears in over 500 journals on six continents, and 24 collections of poetry – including In the Jaguar Valley (dancing girl press, 2023) and Santa Marta Ayres (Origami Poems Project, 2024). I also author travel narratives, articles and guidebooks. My writing has been honored by the Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada (2011), and nominated for the Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. I journey through Latin America with my faithful knapsack Rocinante, listening to the voices of the pueblos and Earth.
Another Weekend Escape
This other Saturday I arrive at lowest tide On the beach a fisherman butchers his day’s catch spread out across a sea turtle’s dark shell, people waiting with open bags inhaling, exhaling in the breeze This other Saturday I walk northward on this beach to where the low tide yet laps the breakwaters boulders studded with limpets & barnacles closed tight against the piercing sun closed tight until the sea returns fractured boulders where blue-bellied crabs seek refuge from my approaching presence Soon my way is blocked by the sea, the boulders & houses destroyed by higher waves buzzards perched atop the ruins, waiting to feast on the rotting carcass of a sea lion I cut inland until the beach again emerges beyond saltweed- twined dunes a broader strand impressed by a horse’s hooves & the tracks of whimbrels & oystercatchers where the breeze is now a wind twisting fragile grasses anchored in the sand strewn with crescent-moon fragments of shells

Yet Listening
Yet embraced by the ebony night I sway in a sapphire hammock half-awake listening Your voice thunders through empty streets, through my window I close the shutter with the burst of dawn’s downpour Yet listening to you Changó
©2024 Lorraine Caputo
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