April 2024
Alan Walowitz
Author's Note: Since April begins with April Fools' Day, here are two foolish poems, some doggerel unleashed. Perhaps one or the other will give you a laugh, or, even better, a flash of recognition. Maybe both?
How To
I had a friend who wrote How To’s though he wasn't good at anything. Cook a French souffle? Flopped. Fly a helicopter? Went round and round and never got anywhere. Hold his breath under water? Worked till he had to come up for air. What’s the secret? I once asked, inspired by such great success. Sort of formula, he confessed. Those who can will gladly do; those who can’t go on and on. It’s all in my latest, How To How To— you can buy it, self-published, Amazon.

The poet who died the other month, or perhaps a different year? I heard him beat a drum and chant, or make some other holy noise; the same place Lincoln spoke, quite nice, downtown, though I can’t remember where. I was convinced I liked him well enough as I waited for the meet-and-greet, to buy a book, hoped to get it signed--long hall of women I thought I’d like to know. I went back home, alone, stopped for a bite, greasy takeout in a paper bag. Then thought, he had a voice like God— you know, the guy who played Mandela once? Or, who’s the queen got her head cut off at Henry 8th’s behest? They say he sounded like a naked hiss. I forget and this only a recent list of what’s gotten so hard to recall. Suddenly, I remember, and don’t quite know why: Cooper-Union, Morgan Freeman, Anne Boleyn, Robert Bly— Everything will come to you, my fortune-cookie promised, fetched from the bottom of the bag. I’d hoped for more by now--a book of poems, to be rich, a name on everyone’s tongue. But it’s getting late to wait for will, which seems to never come.
Originally published in Autumn Sky Poetry Daily
©2024 Alan Walowitz
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