April 2024
Bio Note: I’m a retired English Professor and live with my wife in Northern New Jersey. My poetry collections A Matter of Timing, Time is Not a River, and Morning Calm as well as a chapbook, Jack Pays a Visit, are all available on Amazon
Author's Note: In honor of Shakespeare’s birth (and death) month, I offer two poems inspired by his work.
Quote of the Month: “Look you, this brave o'er hanging firmament, this majestical roof, fretted with golden fire.” – William Shakespeare from Hamlet
Author's Note: In honor of Shakespeare’s birth (and death) month, I offer two poems inspired by his work.
Quote of the Month: “Look you, this brave o'er hanging firmament, this majestical roof, fretted with golden fire.” – William Shakespeare from Hamlet
Summertime Blues
On a cherry blossom day blue jays scold passers-by: it’s Shakespeare in the park— the prince’s friend threatens suicide the cop on the corner is sawing the air two friends face off in the parking lot not with my sister, you don’t.
Originally published in Loch Raven Review

"At the Globe"
Next time send me a text, he says right away, everybody’s calling, wondering if those rumors about my suicide are real: I’m still here, but yeah, Hamlet’s gone, stabbed in Central Park. You remember we’d see him in the Village dressed in black hanging around Washington Square, muttering about his dead father and over-sexed mom. His shrink kept asking about his mother and uncle— what did he feel, how did she die, who put the poison in her cup? Wanted to know about his girlfriend too; you remember she jumped in front of the A train late one night— claimed her father and brother messed with her after her mother died. But I gotta get back to NYU— some professor named Yorick is giving a workshop: everybody gets to play a corpse at least once. My skull, he said, smells just like a baseball he found once down in the Bronx, right after it connected with his best friend’s head.
Originally published in Black Coffee Review
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL