September 2023
Bio Note: I’m Professor Emeritus of English at Saint Louis Community College, now retired in Santa Rosa, California. Since 1996, I’ve edited and published 2River, quarterly publishing The 2River View and occasionally publishing individual authors in the 2River Chapbook Series. Recent publications include Grand Little Things, One Sentence Poems, and January Review. Those poems, as well as these, are from a manuscript entitled Ghost Bike.
Defensible Space
East of the coastal highway where California is burning, Peter Lang uses a shovel to save the wildlife preserve but can’t do more for the horses on Hood Mountain. Thus crows, ravens, and sparrows swoop down to Bodega and its church. What do I know of how it started? What do I know of defensible space? I was once a child, playing with matches behind the pumphouse and the brush caught fire. Mother called me a hero for using the garden hose to put it out.
The Absence at Starbucks
My doppelgänger was scheduled to read about the night he’d gone looking for his lover in Dogtown. But the barista said when he happened upon her, she was shooting up, laughing at the poem he dedicated to her. Crushed, he jumped from Jesuit Hall. Delusion behaves badly when it visits. The last time I saw him, we cracked a window open to smoke crack. A smoke of pestilent fever filled the room. Let’s climb to the seventh floor and calculate how long it takes to fall.
The Whispering
Here in the redwood forest the owls swivel their heads, they close their eyes, and here’s the last of moonlight sifting through the ghosts of my hands. This arched haunt susurrates a story—once upon a time and far away a bicycle stands by the Mississippi, its trunk bag packed with the bleak of uncertainty, and inside the vault of St. Louis Basilica, three stained women in robes of Tiffany glass whisper let it be.
©2023 Richard Long
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