March 2023
Bio Note: I am stunned that it has been two years since I wrote this poem, maybe two years and a few days before that was the event that prompted it. March comes with the usual mixture of feelings, what with this anniversary as well as the birthdays of several close friends, including Alan Walowitz, my collaborator on In the Muddle of the Night.
Going Down the Road*
For Uncle Hank How many times have I had too many drinks to drown, the cold liquid numbing until I slump over my desk, not the bathtub – as you did— heart stopped. How much had you had had enough had too much had it to bring that big body down, to quiet that beating? They jolted you alive and you hung on, tethered, machines beeping, beeping, keeping you in a rhythm of your own. You (I imagine since I can’t see you) 3000 miles of land between us (and hospital protocol besides) never had much patience for rules. I am trying to hover above you, to see what’s left— so sudden did this come. From your phone came the unexpected voice which told me all before words could. You were my summer brother, three months younger. I blame our genes and that man you called Dad, I called Grandpa. Anyway, this isn’t about him. Even dead, he still takes up too much room. I think you must take up no space at all now where you are (or soon will be), dancing with your big gray cat, Rudy. Your mom is there with her perfectly-coiffed hair, her quick wit cutting any umbilical cord tying you to the earth. Jerry Garcia is surely waiting, with his phantom finger picking every string in all the notes you wrote in the best corner of your mind, his gruff voice beckoning you to come along: the road isn’t paved with gold, but it’s infinitely long.* From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Going Down The Road Feeling Bad" (also known as the "Lonesome Road Blues") is a traditional American folk song. The first known known recording is from 1923 by Henry Whitter, an Appalachian singer. … The song has been recorded by many artists such as Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Skeeter Davis, and the Grateful Dead, and the song is featured in To Bonnie from Delaney, "Mountain Jam", Born and Raised World Tour, The Grapes of Wrath, and Lucky Stars.
Originally published in Panoplyzine
©2023 Betsy Mars
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