March 2023
Bio Note: I resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales. There've been four hundred fifty stories and poems published so far, and seven books. I work the other side of writing at Bewildering Stories, where I manages a posse of eight review editors. I'm also lead editor at The Scribes Micro Fiction magazine.
The Staghorn Bar Set
Six decades ago, as an ostentatious imbiber, I assembled a finely crafted staghorn bar set. German made, with beer bottle opener, bottle recappers for wine, bar knife, corkscrew and a pointed opener for cans. The implements were mounted with pride inside the rear of a walnut bookcase bar the front of which housed expensive books. some of which I’d actually read. The staghorns were used, as I recall, twice. After two decades of non-drinking I decided to clean out the back of the bar and there they were, hanging at the ready in all their elegance, waiting for the party that hadn’t taken place in a cat’s life. They are who I thought I was meant to be and I cannot not just abandon them to the knick-knack pile at Goodwill, and so I’ll keep them safely cached until I can find them a good home.
Corpse Fly
I try not to hate too easily. for in that repugnance squirm the carrion larvae that turn into corpse flies seeking even ranker hatreds.
©2023 Ed Ahern
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