July 2023
Jean Biegun
Bio Note: I’m a late-blooming poet having begun right before retiring in Chicago 23 years ago, continuing in small-town Wisconsin, and now hungry for a new voice in California heat. The end of the pandemic leaves me wondering what to return to or start. Kelsay Books published my first book last year, and I received a Pushcart nomination, too. Reading other poets calls me onward, especially the works of the V-V community.
A small spider here on the patio table: beautiful. Two vivid white flecks on its black fangs (or whatever they are called) I notice first, then cocoa polka dots on the cream-colored rump (or stomach or thorax). Unable to remember the official words for those parts, still I compliment such vibrant style. The creature skitters sideways and back to peek at the book I’m reading, waving its fangs (helpful mouth parts?) in the air. This scene I promise not to forget. The dark tiny head tilts upward toward my face as mine turns to watch the delicate lift. I want to keep our meeting alive, not pinned, labeled and displayed on a dusty shelf to crumble like everything. This sudden sensation of living I pray to stay: a little spider and myself noticing one another, reacting, yes, in our own separate species ways yet giving some minutes and (in my case) heart to our joined perceiving.
I want a place in the room. A corner chair will suffice and a window with nature views outside to relieve dull rumination. Most desirable is a meal with others that we prepare together, a round oak table and lemon candlelight. No disquieting stories. Some games afterward of the old-fashioned sort and a jigsaw puzzle begun. Maybe we might walk around the block with arms linked like plaza strollers in paintings. It will require balanced motives, bellies and hearts braided. Yes, I need such a place in an innocent room.
©2023 Jean Biegun
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL