January 2023
Bio Note: With piles of repertoire to learn for playing viola in the Madison Symphony and Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, my cats lately scatter when I tune up. I am delighted that my full-length collection The Waiting Room for the Imperfect Alibis is out from Kelsay Books and The Devil Orders a Latte is forthcoming from Fernwood Press and I have two Pushcart Prize nominations and quite a few chickens.
The moment in the second movement when the orchestra has become a single animal, breathing in 5/4, the timpani’s heartbeat pushing us through each phrase, a timing, a smoldering and we swirl through a three-legged waltz of love, towards the inevitable disenchantment in the next movement, in the next moment
He must have been rushing out for a last cigarette but St. John the Baptist just about collided with me as I entered the stage door Imagine, violist flattened by a good-looking prophet in burlap who will reject Salome in forty-three minutes A small man in black with a headset was chasing him with his found cell phone and, for the moment, all was well for the future saint and beheading was still an unknown destiny for some other stage
During the lesson, on the page before Song of the Wind, the front door blew open blew open in the fairytale way, announcing the arrival arriving the announcement Fall had fallen with a crash into our lives Like a Beethoven chord Like an unexpected love
©2023 Katrin Talbot
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