January 2023
Bio Note: I find peace outdoors, listening to birds, identifying plants, and noticing Earth’s beauty while practicing gratitude along the way. My eighth book, The Ethereal Effect – A Collection of Villanelles, was just released by Kelsay Books. I'm an artist, animal lover, a nature enthusiast, and serve as a poetry editor for the online literary magazine Halfway Down the Stairs.
In a Dream, an Ancestral Visit with Great Grandmother
Lushness greets the afternoon. A basket of lingon hangs from her forearm. The berries grow wild near the farmstead. Tonight, she’ll prepare compote. Though the fruit is still sour, she’ll boil, mash, then add sugar— love. grace. devotion. Rain approaches as she continues to traverse the rocky slope. She must reach the barn in time, provide safe shelter for the chickens. She recalls last year’s heartbreak— deluge. death. tears. She moves faster, observes her surroundings, the natural beauty nourishes her soul. At last! She releases the latch, opens the door, and herds the flock through it. Relief floods her being— heart. mind. spirit. You awaken with a sense of grounding, realize your lingonberry roots grow wild near a Swedish farmstead. And you’ll remember, early in the season the berries are bitter. Yet, when they’re left on the stem through winter— sweetness will follow.
The love in their eyes The tenderness of their gaze The comfort of their spirits The acceptance in their hearts The loyalty to our lives The joy of a dog’s presence 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year
©2023 Jeannie E. Roberts
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL