January 2023
Jack e Lorts
Bio Note: At 81 & 82, my wife & I are fully vaccinated, but still worried about COVID. I've had my most recent collection of poems rejected five times in the last last couple months. You might check out my poem "How can you lose a granddaughter?" which was in Rattle Poets Respond October 11, 20222. I continue to find such great poems here in Verse Virtual. Keep up the great work.
Ephram Pratt Considers What Time Brings About
Eventually everything happens whether you realize it or not. Not only to you and to me, but to the loneliest frog in the forest, creeping silently into the days blown away by thunder and the sound of ether escaping from the tiniest corpuscles found in the atmosphere of Mars, or even in the eye lash of a brontosaurus dying a billion years ago, aghast at what each incoming second brought or will bring about.
©2023 Jack e Lorts
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL