"Fast away the old year passes" and the new year comes in. I have never been big on making New Year's resolutions because I know myself too well. If I made them they would be too big, too ambitious, and probably too common. "Lose fifty pounds." "Be more outgoing." "Learn to play blues guitar." Not that any of those are bad, but they aren't likely to get any traction with me just because I decided I would do them in January. And for the record, it's more likely that I will lose fifty pounds and learn to play blues guitar than it is that I'll be more outgoing. I have the guitar and a diet plan I've been working on since before last Thanksgiving.
What about you? Do you make resolutions every New Year? Do you keep them? If so, how? If not, what stops you from following through? Inquiring minds want to know. Which is why the OPTIONAL theme for February is "Opposition." Have fun with it.
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