February 2023
June Crawford Sanders
Author's Note: I was washing dishes and looking out the window when the snow started. The children's old swing set looked silent and lonely. No squeaks, squeals, or laughter.
February Villanelle
Snow is covering the children’s swings The glider seats and monkey bars Our sons and daughters have all grown wings They’ve gone away to pursue their dreams The future called, they followed their stars Snow is filling forgotten swings Storms cannot dull or extinguish the gleam Or the music from the neglected guitar Now that the children have sheltering wings They are making new stories and songs to sing As they search for gold or the balm of blue feldspar While snow falls softly on their empty swings We, too, once heard angels while worshiping Each of us seeking the magic cookie jar Our offspring fashion their own wings Celestial light can shine through anything Sky still holds up that old North Star Yet snow has covered the children’s swings Because the children have all grown wings
©2023 June Crawford Sanders
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