February 2023
Bio Note: I'm a writer and performer who loves bringing stories to life on page and stage. I love to celebrate small moments and investigate ideas with poems. I enjoyed the chance to think about opposing elements in poems--the first, feathers and stones, the hard and soft and the second the concept of full and empty as they relate to the full moon.
Feathers to Stone
You see me as a feather, as I ride the breeze down to you, gently swaying. You say you do not even feel me when I land on your heart, softly. Your hardness deflects my tiny self. When breeze calls again, I float away, weeping for you. You cannot move. Your stone self is stuck in equally hard earth, incapable of understanding that my very softness, my lightness, is my strength. You are forgiven.
Originally published in Feathers on Stone, Main Street Rag
Emptying and Refilling the Moon
Yesterday evening full moon spilled its glow across our pond. Last week only a sliver showed and that, at the bottom instead of on moon’s side, revealing the secret of the wax and wane to be a filling and an emptying of light. Sky dragons sip greedily from full moon’s globe, bit by bit reducing her until only a sliver and then darkness when they scatter as she rests in new moon phase. sun refills moon’s energy slowly, slowly, until at last she’s ready to call out to the dragons and the cycle begins again.
©2023 Joan Leotta
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL