December 2023
Author's Note: When I was in high school in Gallup, New Mexico, we had an "extreme weather event" in the winter. The temperature dropped to -53 degrees (F), a record low that still stands. Even when the temperatures weren't that extreme, below freezing wasn't uncommon. Homeless people were especially vulnerable during that time and more than a few of them froze to death.
gallup winter
since the first insult of taking land was not enough alcohol was added to the stew that western europe offered original americans i came much later to the scene learned just enough history to know of the long walk that stripped the remnants of pride from the navajo nation replaced it with welfare boarding schools and pawn shops that would loan just enough for another round of stupor that was the backdrop to one of the harshest winters anyone in gallup remembers when the bitter cold wind sliced through even the thinnest cracks and johnny yazzie's levi jacket was nowhere near enough
First published in as if a caress
©2023 j.lewis
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