August 2023
Author's Note: These are not translations, exactly, but me trying to say in English what I think the poets were trying to say in Chinese. I don't read Chinese except for a few characters (mountain, sun, moon, day, etc.), but I've been able to triangulate my versions using four or five previous translations. It's good practice for me, trying to get someone else's words right in our language.
After Mei Yaochen's
"A Rural Home"
Roosters crow. The sky is brightening. Farmers take their morning rice and tea and go out to plowing. I open my window and to watch the last of the stars disappearing.
After Tu Mu's
"Drunken Sleep"
Well-made wine and autumn rain. A cold house among the leaves. The lonely man will sleep a lot, but first he pours another cup.
©2023 Tom Montag
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