August 2022
Bio Note: A Washington based author, poet, and educator, my poems and stories have appeared in many international literary magazines, journals and anthologies such as the Eunioa Review, Verse-Virtual, and Anti-Heroin Chic. My most recent poetry/fiction collections include Serpent’s Tooth: Poems, Masques: Flash Fiction & Short Stories, and Flytraps (2022). Currently, I enjoy writing, turning wood, participating in “virtual” poetry readings, and fishing along the Hood Canal.
Animatronic Distraction
Twisting the steampunk wind-up key on my mechanical dog’s brass butt, I sent it scurrying across the dinner table, disrupting decorum, exasperating my Grandmother delighting all siblings, and amusing our father who’d just finished his second beer after pulling an ER double-shift and needed my hospital work diversion to drag his mind away from patients who flatlined during surgery or post-op situations where he confronted teary-eyed family members explained collapsing stints, aortic aneurysms, imploding brain tumors, and tired bodies rejecting heart transplants…. Dad spat out a mouthful of Pabst Blue Ribbon suds and liquid barley bubble clusters emerged from his nostrils as my toy beagle stopped at his plate, stood up on its haunches twisted its head left to right, sniffed up and down, opened and closed its maw four times then barked. The tinny voice brought a smile to my father’s exhausted face, his sense of daily victories and defeats momentarily suppressed by a miniature, gutless, unemotional creature of gears, neither dependent on vital organs nor overseen by medics in scrubs— just a faux canine sans grooming, sans poop patrol.
Originally published in publication
MEK Kicks
(Or Nell’s Methyl Ethyl Ketone Diversions: RIP) Nell helped her younger brothers build model airplanes and Aurora monster kits, break plastic parts free from sprues and runners trim rough edges with pen-style art knives before consulting garbled, faded instructions and blurred, surrealistic diagrams. They painted each item using tooth picks for detail, brushes for spaces inviting broad strokes; Nell would bite down on uncapped glue tips, chew clear dried plastic apply pin-drip cement to each model hole join and bind pieces with surgical precision. Nell’s brothers grew up, left bookshelf models behind: undusted, neglected, ignored as they shot hoops, played soccer, spent alone time with girlfriends. Hobby became habit as Nell sniffed their remaining tubes of adhesive, snorted polystyrene globs on Glad Wrap, suffocated on fumes & clingfilm that blocked her trachea.
Originally published in publication
©2022 Sterling Warner
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL