August 2022
Dennis Finnell
Bio Note: I'm originally from St. Louis, have lived in several states, and at last count—which is probably pretty final—I've had "about" thirty-three jobs, from slinging something at Burger King to teaching at Mount Holyoke College. I've published six books, my first Red Cottage winning The Juniper Prize. My most recent book, 2021, is Selected Poems from FutureCycle Press.
In CVS's lot
a stranger aims her cell up in a 45 degree angle and as I near her it's obvious in her silhouette she's smiling at what she pictures and as I walk near she declares through her blue paper mask, Those birds up there, all those birds singing! Yes, I think, they're starlings but not quite yet a “murmuration.” The winged chorus sings the sun going down over some steeple-less house of worship ending day’s light between winter’s birth and an anonymous new year.
©2022 Dennis Finnell
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL