August 2022
John Dorroh
Bio Note: I am a former coffee addict, retired high school science teacher, and poet who can't stop purchasing books. My most interesting trip was in 2018 to Iceland, which looked, at times, like the surface of the moon. My newest "thing" is to continue to send new poems to journals who have rejected me. And I love Ted Lasso!
Shame on Those Who Belittle Billy Collins
There are uppity poets who are upset at Billy Collins for writing things that they could have but didn’t. Why live like that, wasting time & energy casting doubt & stamping his work with harsh words that he doesn’t deserve. They could have captured those moments just as easily, could have set a tempo with the common people. But no, nothing happened in their lives this morning, this afternoon that they figured worthy of writing down. His evenings & coffee cups, the way a red squirrel packs her nuts into a clever hole on the edge of the garden, the Reaper, the drives along country lanes, the way silence cuts through our souls, lanyards & special classes, flying notebooks & bears, dragonflies & French toast, the bereft, boyhood & long days, Mondays & statues in the park. I could go on forever like his poetry, chronicles of mankind’s mundane sprint to make it to the end, the joy of breathing, the days of grief & sadness, the click-click of all that we know.
©2022 John Dorroh
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL