March 2022
Jo Taylor
Bio Note: I had not baked a fruitcake at Christmas for some time, but this year I succumbed to the task, and what nostalgia it brought to me and my six brothers and sisters. Would you believe the whole thing was eaten on the day of our family gathering? Lots of good memories in that “round of sweetness” that provides so much holiday humor.
Ode to the Fruitcake
―with line from Truman Capote O, beautiful round of sweetness, O, satisfying art fashioned with red and green candied cherries and golden pineapple, glazed, translucent. You have sustained us through the centuries with your plump, juicy raisins and your meaty, freshly- hulled pecans laced with butter and infused with nutmeg and cinnamon and other spices. Yet some have branded you a culinary punching bag providing holiday humor to the masses. Late night shows have derided you and injured your reputation, quipping you’re the gift that goes on giving, much like the white elephant nobody treasures. But O, sacred, delectable indulgence, those naysayers have not been privy to the joyous face of one looking upon you with wonder, exclaiming, Now, that’s a precious memory, proceeding then to recount the story of a Christmas-aproned mama unveiling a cheesebox-sized you, a mound of mouth-watering flavor, a you, aged with a fruit-of-the-vine red liquid or better yet, with a rare, clear elixir, bootleg quality. O, taste of heaven, we bow to your goodness once more and ask your forgiveness for the folly and fatuity of fools, for even now some of us mortals are looking to yet another season of crisp and cool weather when we will exclaim with the generations of yesterday, Oh my, it’s fruitcake weather.
©2022 Jo Taylor
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