June 2022
Bio Note: I was born in New York, grew up in California, last studied in Texas, and worked in Florida. I've returned to the seaside and redwoods of the Golden State to pursue music, radio, translation, and poetry. My odd lyric lives at moriapoetry.com (chapbooks) and at a personal google webpage. I've recently published the volume Designs (cyberwit, 2022).
Seaside Advice
Oh dear friend, You should shun the deceptions of the ocean. Reject the Sisyphus of eternal tides. Wave goodbye to rides out and back in again. Act as if pride were the special portion of potion of your rectified reception in the sea of being yourself.
The Position
We curl up in the fetal position not to fend off fear and trembling or existential dread but for its having been declared the optimum stance for sleeping fine way to foster slumber the lumber to frame and to furnish floorplans for dream homes the oneiric playpens to finish where a beautiful happiness can so happen and the-not-so-much the same and lively activities still obtain even after dead
©2022 Charles A. Perrone
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL