June 2022
Sylvia Cavanaugh
Bio Note: I am a Midwestern high school teacher and Poetry Club advisor. My students and I have been actively involved in 100,000 Poets for Change. I serve on the board of the Council for Wisconsin Writers and I am English language editor for Poetry Hall: A Chinese and English Bilingual Journal. I have published three chapbooks.
"Harold W. Stetson, PhD" by Robert L Stetson
The son, a sculptor, approaches with purpose, working rapidly, at first, choosing an iron-infused clay with its careful reveal of shadow like the way the concave cheeks speak of an inner life glimpsed in a forest clearing where the universe may be discoverable after all with time malleable. The wonder of discovery shines in the eyes of the father as if every possibility hovers, airborne, just—there. The artist sees with his fingers, feels for the alignment of bone and tendon. What is the meaning of a body beyond an affinity of DNA in a cosmos infinitely large and infinitely small with identity elusive as vapor— an earthbound man’s ever singular search for himself. This father sculpture, cast in bronze, sparks electric and ponders stars. Born of the son’s own hand, not inanimate, exactly. This is love’s link to creation, as mortality breathes meaning into life.
©2022 Sylvia Cavanaugh
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL