July 2022
Anthony Lusardi
Bio Note: Aside from having haikus published in journals, such as Modern Haiku, The Cicada's Cry, and hedgerow, I've had experience working as a freelance reporter, while working with the merch crew at a Costco store.
putting on clothes
as a kid, my head was always in the clouds even when doing simple things like putting on clothes for school where i imagined being a power ranger megazord with all the important parts coming together my backpack as my rocket boosters and my lunchbox as my mega sword. my mom would help me then so it was easier to imagine that my clothes were coming to life; my bullies were bulk and skull, and my teachers rita repulsa and lord zed sending me home with their latest monster (a.k.a. homework). nowadays, putting on clothes is just a morning routine; one small task before the daily grind. all the alien monsters, just bosses and rude customers and all the adventures, just chores. but sometimes, i imagine my mother still putting on my clothes, like the latest updated suit of armor, for the next power ranger series or she is at least standing by me, delivering a rousing speech like zordon making me realize that i can make rockaway my angel grove, and anything i see turns into my own command center with the power ranger theme playing in my head as i set off on another great mission to save humanity.
©2022 Anthony Lusardi
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL