January 2022
Bio Note: I have been in a quandary about my work…what do I want from it? My husband is having some heart difficulty and I’m in a questioning mode of being. Do I write to see my work published? Or do I write because my heart is touched? I hope it’s the later reason. To quiet the soul during these Covid times and in the meanness of our political system, I sometimes feel drained. How to replenish the heart? I guess I need more forest bathing!
Grandfather Sleeping in the Kitchen Rocker,
Or, Did We Itch to Outwit Him?
My cousins and I belly scoot across linoleum, breath sucked in. Who’d first reach his feet, slide off his L.L. Beans—big as fall’s magnolia leaves—then like walruses’ paddle-slide to a hide- out where breath would stall, mouths locked. O, the eagerness of suspense, Would he wake, Would he grab us? And who would first feel the backside of his slipper against a tender rump, who’d cry, Let me be? It wasn’t me? Legs flailing mid-air. Did his warning sting more than the slipper’s sole? I’ll not tell. It was me who snagged his slipper.
How often has a cat eloped with a dog much to the chagrin of aunts and grandparents alike? Sometimes a thing festers, what’s commonplace less so, newsfeed more contentious. The dog might be in her igloo grinding up dream bones, the cat soaking rays on the chaise. For all we know or thought we knew happiness walks barefoot summertime, arms freely swinging. Don’t be difficult, I tell myself when attempting to reveal odd possibilities. So, when the cat slapped the priest’s signature onto the marriage certificate, nabbed the dog and flew off to Honolulu, don’t be surprised that the pilot let each try their hand (or paw, in this case,) at guiding American Airlines onto the landing strip where the dark spread its oilcloth, the cat, a mischievous look, telling the dog, A peach is a peach because it can’t be an apple.
First published in January Review
©2022 Dianna MacKinnon Henning
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